Quests for the Second Class Transfer

Quest NameBeginning LevelStarting Location and NPC
Trial of Duty35Town of Giran (Grand Master Hannavalt)
Trial of the Pilgrim35Near Orc Barracks (Hermit Santiago)
Trial of the Challenger35Town of Dion (Kash)
Trial of the Guildsman35Town of Giran (Warehouse Keeper Valkon)
Trial of the Scholar35Town of Dion (Magister Mirien)
Trial of the Seeker35Town of Giran (Master Dufner)
Testimony of Fate37Town of Giran (Magister Kaira)
Testimony of Glory37Town of Giran (Prefect Vokian)
Testimony of Life37Town of Dion (Master Cardien)
Testimony of Prosperity37Town of Giran (Warehouse Keeper Parman)
Testimony of Trust37Town of Oren (High Priest Hollint)
Test of the Champion39Town of Giran (Veteran Ascalon)
Test of Magus39Town of Dion (Bard Rukal)
Test of Sagittarius39Hunters Village (Guild President Bernard)
Test of the Duelist39Town of Oren (Duelist Kaien)
Test of the Healer39Town of Giran (Priest Bandellos)
Test of the Lord39Orc Village (Flame Lord Kakai)
Test of the Maestro39Dwarf Village (First Elder Lockirin)
Test of the Reformer39Town of Giran (Priestess Pupina)
Test of the Searcher39Hunters Village (Master Luther)
Test of the Summoner39Gludin Village (High Summoner Galatea)
Test of the War Spirit39Town of Dion (Seer Somak)
Test of Witchcraft39Death Pass (Orim of the Shadow)
Certified Berserker39Town of Oren (Master Orkurus)
Certified Soul Breaker39Town of Giran (Grand Master Vitus)
Certified Arbalester39Town of Dion (Master Rindy)
GladiatorTrial of the ChallengerTestimony of TrustTest of the Duelist
WarlordTrial of the ChallengerTestimony of TrustTest of the Champion
PaladinTrial of DutyTestimony of TrustTest of the Healer
Dark AvengerTrial of DutyTestimony of TrustTest of Witchcraft
Treasure HunterTrial of the SeekerTestimony of TrustTest of the Searcher
HawkeyeTrial of the SeekerTestimony of TrustTest of Sagittarius
SorcererTrial of the ScholarTestimony of TrustTest of Magus
NecromancerTrial of the ScholarTestimony of TrustTest of Witchcraft
WarlockTrial of the ScholarTestimony of TrustTest of the Summoner
BishopTrial of the PilgrimTestimony of TrustTest of the Healer
ProphetTrial of the PilgrimTestimony of TrustTest of the Reformer
Temple KnightTrial of DutyTestimony of LifeTest of the Healer
SwordsingerTrial of the ChallengerTestimony of LifeTest of the Duelist
Plains WalkerTrial of the SeekerTestimony of LifeTest of the Searcher
Silver RangerTrial of the SeekerTestimony of LifeTest of Sagittarius
SpellsingerTrial of the ScholarTestimony of LifeTest of Magus
Elemental SummonerTrial of the ScholarTestimony of LifeTest of the Summoner
Elven ElderTrial of the PilgrimTestimony of LifeTest of the Healer
Dark Elf
Shillien KnightTrial of DutyTestimony of FateTest of Witchcraft
BladedancerTrial of the ChallengerTestimony of FateTest of the Duelist
Abyss WalkerTrial of the SeekerTestimony of FateTest of the Searcher
Phantom RangerTrial of the SeekerTestimony of FateTest of Sagittarius
SpellhowlerTrial of the ScholarTestimony of FateTest of Magus
Phantom SummonerTrial of the ScholarTestimony of FateTest of the Summoner
Shillien ElderTrial of the PilgrimTestimony of FateTest of the Reformer
DestroyerTrial of the ChallengerTestimony of GloryTest of Champion
TyrantTrial of the ChallengerTestimony of GloryTest of the Duelist
OverlordTrial of the PilgrimTestimony of GloryTest of the Lord
WarcryerTrial of the PilgrimTestimony of GloryTest of the War Spirit
Bounty HunterTrial of the GuildsmanTestimony of ProsperityTest of the Searcher
WarsmithTrial of the GuildsmanTestimony of ProsperityTest of the Maestro
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